Preise & Ankündigungen | eTelestia Top

Preise & Ankündigungen

2014, May

A very interesting meeting on 21st May at Liverpool College, the UK F&T Apprenticeship Provider Meeting.
There was a chance to discuss training issues on young students, particularly those studying technological subjects and pattern skills.
There was general acknowledgement that there is a problem in skills and the process of learning uptake, which affects industry performance.
Anastasia Vouyouka presented the Telestia interactive pattern Making methodology ,in relation to the Apparel Product Development QCF Diploma, and Wendy Coley from Fashion Enter announced the coming seminar for 'Train the Trainer' that they are running in September with Telestia.



The Telestia educational content uses interactive multimedia, and a training simulation environment that has got many international awards,and has proven very effective in encouraging results.
Training results seen from the side of students and tutors:

'This system enables students to draft blocks for any figure shape accurately and simply and then modifying the block to represent their own designs. I have been passionate about teaching students how to use this unique SITAM AB system for more than 11 years at Elisabeth Murdoch College.'
Felicity Symons
VET Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design & Technology Teacher
Elisabeth Murdoch College

'After many moons of searching for a pattern system that can be used properly and efficiently I found Telestia. I found that drafting a flat pattern with the old method and lots of calculations and so on a bit of a large task (specially with my kids that grow way too fast) It almost did not seem worth it.I find working with the patterns and playing with the lines and trying to visualize the the end result and the processes of making it one of the most satisfying activities I have ever come across. :)
'Adri Van der Zei, Australia

The more I thought it was impossible to do the cutting and drawing, the more it got interesting and the more I came up with different ideas to design. It is amazing the way you can become a designer or tailor through online learning.
Tina Wande (Germany)



CEBIT The State Scholarships Foundation for the European initiative for Lifelong Learning awards an honorary distinction to Sitam-AB/Telestia
in recognition for its contribution in the development of training systems for Vocational Education and training.




CEBIT Telestia has been voted in the Cool Zone of the Miami Spesa Exhibition
as the 1st Cool Staff of hot technologies transforming the industry.




CEBIT Telestia has been voted as one of five good practice projects
on eLearning in Europe, by the Leonardo da Vinci office.


eTelestia gewinnt einen Europäischen Preis

Platinum EuropeaneTelestia wurde unter 100 nominierten Firmen der Multimediabranche mit dem Europaeischen “Seal of Excellence” 2005 (link) ausgezeichnet. 41 Firmen aus 13 Laendern erhielten den “Seal” aber nur wenige ausgesuchte bekamen die hoechste Anerkennnung, den “Platinum Seal”. Das eTelestia Team ist stolz als eine dieser hervorragenden Firmen anerkannt worden zu sein. The European Seal of Excellence in Multimedia rewards ICT & digital media companies with an excellent track record in marketing. The Seal is bestowed annually by the European Multimedia Associations Convention (EMMAC) in the framework of the European Multimedia Accelerator.


Helen Vouyouka at CEBIT receiving the seal of excellence from Philippe Wacker, of European Multimedia Accelerator.


Die eTelestiakurse warden unterstützt durch viele Grafiken, Animationen und Videos und sind interaktiv gestaltet. Die eTelestia Kurse wurden mit dem EUROPRIX 2002 Qualitätssiegel für ihre Struktur und ihren Inhalt ausgezeichnet.

europrixDie unabhängige Expertenjury des EUROPRIX 2002 Wettbewerbes ( hat die TELESTIA AB Kurse in den Kategorien Lernprogramm und eAusbildung mit dem Qualitätssiegel ausgezeichnet. Die TELESTIA AB Kurse wurden von 2 verschiedenen Gruppen von Juroren bewertet und in beiden Runden wurden die TELESTIA AB Kurse mit dem Qualitätssiegel ausgezeichnet. Das EUROPRIX 2002 Qualitätssiegel wird an Produkte verliehen, denen die Jury einen deutlichen erkennbaren Mehrwert durch die Anwendung von Multimedia bescheinigt.

Die Auszeichnung bezeugt, dass die TELESTIA AB Kurse, die durch die Juris bewertet und beurteilt wurden, die technischen Standards, die für die Europrix Jury gefordert waren, erreicht oder sogar übertroffen wurden. Positiv bewertet wurden folgende Kategorien:


  • Qualität und Umfang des Inhaltes
  • Einfache Handhabung: Funktionalität in Navigation und Orientation
  • Zusätzliche Wert durch Einsatz von Hypermedia (Interaktivität)
  • Attraktivität: Gestalterischer Wert
  • Qualität in der technischen Realisation