Return and Cancellation policy | eTelestia Top

Return and Cancellation policy

Return and Cancellation policy products are guaranteed from defects, any products damaged by transportation must be communicated to eTelestia within 7 days after arrival.

eTelestia will undertake in these circumstances to replace them upon receipt of the damaged goods and dispatch them within 7 days of receipt of the damaged parcel.

If an item does not meet your expectations, please return it within 14 days for exchange. All items must be returned by you, and arrive, in their original state. Packages must be unopened; and all other products unused.
In the case of a request for a refund, the refund will be executed upon receipt of the drafting tools that accompany each course and have been sent to the user by Telestia. Any postal fees incurred by Telestia for the dispatch of the training packages will be deducted from any refund.

The items you buy at a special price (e.g. promotions/discounts) will not be eligible for refunds. No refund will be offered for any item that was bought as part of a promotion, or at a discount price.

Products are sent with courier post and the cost is as specified in the eTelestia ecommerce pages for each country.

Return and Cancellation policy